MultiTEL API v3
About the MultiTEL API:
This API is provided for developers who want to integrate with or build on top of our voice platform.
Our APIs provide access to resources (data entities) via URI paths. To use a REST API, your application
will make an HTTP request and parse the response. By default, the response format is JSON.
Your methods will be the standard HTTP methods GET and POST. Because the API is based on open standards,
you can use any web development language to access the API.
Endpoint used:
MultiTEL APIv3 uses HTTP Basic/Digest Authentication. This allows you to protect the URLs on your web server so that only you and MultiTEL
can access them. In order to authenticate with HTTP, you may provide a username and password with the following URL format:
https://USERNAME:[email protected]/v3/getcountries
For HTTP Basic authentication, you will use your MultiTEL account username and your password.
Alternatively, you can define dedicated API users here:
All API functions will return status and response sections. Status will be a numeric code based on HTTP status codes.
Everything with status code 200 will be considered success.
Everything with status code within the 4xx range will be considered a client error (forbidden codes, not enough balance codes, etc).
Everything with status code within the 5xx range will be considered a server error.
Sample output, below:
{ "status": { "code": 200, "msg": "" }, "response": { "number": "33554530000", "price": {